Digital rendering of a performance hall audience, seated. Visualization by Hilditch Architect Inc.

Take a Seat

Purchase a seat and support the creation of a new venue and our future home at 877 Yonge Street.

Put your name on a seat at our new home for the performing arts! Always wanted your name on a chair? When you donate $877, we will permanently affix your name to one of the chairs in Toronto’s most affordable, accessible, and well-equipped theatre of its size! 

We’re dreaming about how we fill our gorgeous new space, and the answer is with all of you. We want to honour the first champions of 877 Yonge Street.

All seats sold!!

We have reached an incredible milestone for Tapestry Opera,  Nightwood Theatre and the Toronto arts scene – all seats have sold out.

Stay tuned for additional naming opportunities at 877 Yonge Street.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Do I get to sit in the chair I bought at every show?
    • No, you can buy a ticket but we cannot guarantee that you’ll get your chair for each show. Due to the flexible nature of the seating, your chair may not be in the same place for each show
  • How long is my name on the chair?
    • The chair will bear your name for as long as the chair is still in use in the space
  • What do the chairs look like? Where will my name be?
    • The chairs will look similar to our delightful chair graphic!
    • Your name will be located on the top of the chair!
  • Will I get a tax receipt for my donation?
    • Yes, your donation will receive a tax receipt for the full amount. 

If you have any questions or want to chat more about this opportunity, please reach out to Stephanie Applin by email at sapplin@tapestryopera.com.