Sophie Dupuis


Sophie Dupuis is a francophone award-winning composer from New Brunswick. A colourful artist with a diverse portfolio, she has been commissioned and performed by soloists and groups, including Ballet-Opéra-Pantomine, Duo Holz, Ventus Machina, Made in Trio, Din of Shadows, Caution Tape Sound Collective, Thin Edge New Music Collective, ECM+, Quasar and Esprit Orchestra. Her first album, Comme bon lui semble, featuring a collection of visual-art-inspired works, is set to be released at Navona Records in October 2023.

Sophie has distinguished herself during her academic studies, earning numerous prizes and grants and carving a place for herself in several competitive professional development opportunities. In the last 10 years, she has been receiving generous funding regularly from the Canada Council for the Arts, the Ontario Arts Council, artsNB, FACTOR and Socan Foundation for her projects. She was chosen by composer James Rolfe to receive the Johanna Metcalf Performing Arts Prize Protégée Award, and by contemporary voice specialist Janice Jackson to share the Friends of Canadian Music Award.

Aside from her activities as a composer, she works as a freelance violinist, an arranger and a music educator. She is actively engaged in her community as a volunteer, notably with her role as President of the Canadian League of Composers from 2020 to 2023.

Sophie holds a Master of Music and a Doctorate of Musical Arts from the University of Toronto, as well as a Bachelor of Music in composition from Dalhousie University. She now lives in Edmundston, NB.