
Rocking Horse Winner | Reviews

First reviews are in, and the response is universally positive!

Tapestry Opera’s skilfully spare and sensually spooky production

Drew Rowsome

Despite invoking dark themes of anxiety and dysfunctional familial relationships, Rocking Horse Winner executes it all gloriously. Tapestry Opera’s Rocking Horse Winner is a sumptuous indulgence of the senses!


Talented vocalists, stunning design, and a mesmerizing score put Rocking Horse Winner several lengths ahead in the race… (t)he vocalists of Rocking Horse Winner are fantastic; their talent shines through every moment of the performance.

A View From The Box

Asitha Tennekoon as Paul, Peter McGillivray as Bassett and Keith Klassen as Oscar haven’t changed and are all excellent.  Tennekoon is really good, especially in the crucial final scene… a very successful revival

Opera Ramblings

The remarkable eight-member ensemble is the reason to see the production. They are fully committed to telling the story with clarity and dignity while not shying away from the harsh realities of how greed can and will destroy the human soul.

Our Theatre Voice

Just six shows left, and tickets are selling fast!