Winter Shorts
Composed by Afarin Mansouri, Norbert Palej, Iman Habibi, and Kit Vaughn Soden. Libretti by Jessica Murphy Moo, Phoebe Tsang, Bobby Theodore and Marcia Johnson.
Back by popular demand, Tapestry Briefs has long delighted Tapestry audiences with bite-sized operas in many flavors. This year’s selections will range from the transcendent through the surreal peppered with surprising bursts of hilarity. So don your winter woolies and slip into some briefs this winter!
Tapestry Briefs will showcase new works by the artists of the 2016 Composer-Librettist Laboratory, a program that brings creators together to create new opera seed scenes. You could be among the first audience members at the birth of the next great Canadian masterwork.
Dancemakers Studio
15 Case Goods Lane #301, Toronto, ON M5A 3C4
Mooney on Theatre—Tapestry Briefs Winter Shorts is an exciting tasting menu of what’s new and up-coming in Toronto opera Tapestry Brief’s: Winter Shorts is like a flight of operatic amuse bouche, accompanied by wine pairings.
Opera Ramblings–Tapestry Briefs, Winter Shorts So, all in all, it’s like previous Tapestry Briefs that I’ve attended. It’s intriguing and somewhat frustrating with plenty of humour and some food for thought.
Schmopera—Enticing Teasers, Winter Shorts All in all, Tapestry pulls off yet another brilliant feat of new and developing opera here in Canada. I can’t wait to see which of these pieces goes on to be the next Okasana G. or Rocking Horse Winner.
Stage Door: Tapestry Briefs, Winter Shorts Creators of the shorts have drawn inspiration from many current events and contemporary concerns, including the Syrian refugee crisis, robot warfare and dysfunctional millennial relationships.